Sonic Prime Dash | Official Game Trailer | Netflix

Exciting news awaits gaming enthusiasts as the immensely popular game “Sonic Prime Dash” gears up to make its highly anticipated debut on Netflix Games in July 2023. This groundbreaking move signifies Netflixs venture into the realm of hosting Sonic games, expanding their collection of mobile games available to subscribers on Google Play and iOS platforms.

The thrilling announcement was unveiled during the recent airing of “Sonic Central” on June 23rd. “Sonic Central” serves as a regular update series that keeps devoted fans updated on the latest developments revolving around the beloved SEGA character across various mediums, ranging from gaming to movies and television. Prepare to immerse yourself in the exhilarating world of “Sonic Prime” as Netflix ventures into new frontiers of interactive entertainment. Stay tuned for an electrifying gaming experience that will captivate Sonic enthusiasts like never before.

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Sonic Prime Dash | Official Trailer | Netflix