Samsung’s Galaxy AI Revolutionizes Mobile Technology with Samsung Galaxy S24 Series

Samsung's Galaxy AI Revolutionizes Mobile Technology with Samsung Galaxy S24 Series
Samsung's Galaxy AI Revolutionizes Mobile Technology with Samsung Galaxy S24 Series

Samsung has once again set a new benchmark in the mobile industry with its innovative Galaxy AI, introduced alongside the Galaxy S24 series. This groundbreaking move not only resulted in remarkable sales but also forced competitors like Google and Apple to scramble to match Samsung’s advancements.

A Leap Beyond Basic AI Functions

While Google’s Pixel 8 hinted at AI capabilities primarily focused on photography during its autumn keynote last year, Samsung’s Galaxy AI takes artificial intelligence to a whole new level. Unlike other offerings that mainly revolve around chatbot functionalities, Galaxy AI provides practical, everyday applications designed to simplify users’ lives.

For instance, Galaxy AI can summarize web articles, allowing users to absorb essential information without having to read lengthy texts. Furthermore, the text assistant can rephrase messages to maintain their original intent while ensuring they are polite and professional—a feature particularly useful for workplace communications or crafting engaging social media slogans.

Enhancing Productivity with Native Apps

Samsung’s native apps have also received substantial AI-driven enhancements. The Samsung Notes application now includes a note assistant feature capable of creating summaries, formatting notes with preset templates, and generating title pages with previews. Meanwhile, the Recorder app benefits from a transcription assistant that converts voice messages into text, making it easier to manage audio notes.

One of the standout features is “Circle to Search,” which allows users to circle any area on their device’s display—whether within the system environment, photos, web pages, or games—to get more information about it instantly.

Expanding the Galaxy Ecosystem

Initially, these AI features were available only on the Galaxy S24 series and last year’s flagship models, including the Galaxy S23 series, Galaxy Tab S9 tablets, and foldable phones like the Galaxy Z Fold5 and Z Flip5. However, due to overwhelming popularity, Samsung extended these capabilities to older models such as the Galaxy S22, Galaxy Z Fold4, Galaxy Z Flip4, Galaxy Tab S8, and even some devices from 2021, including the Galaxy S21 series (excluding the Galaxy S21 FE) and the Galaxy Z Fold3 and Z Flip3.

While competitors are catching up, Samsung maintains a significant lead. With upcoming events like Apple’s WWDC in June and the releases of iOS 18 and Android 15 later this year, consumers will still have to wait months for comparable features. In contrast, Samsung is poised to unveil further innovations in the coming summer with the release of new foldable phones, the Galaxy Z Fold6, and Z Flip6.

How to enable Transcript Assist

Transcript Assist is enabled by default. It can be accessed the in the Voice Recording app through these simple steps:

  • Launch the Voice Recorder app
  • Tap on the recording you want to transcribe
  • Tap on the Transcribe button

Transcript Assist Supported Devices

All Samsung phones that have Galaxy AI come with the Transcript Assist feature. Remember, this feature is only available through the native Voice Recorder app. It won’t work in third-party voice recording apps.


Samsung’s commitment to listening to its customers and pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve in mobile devices has firmly established it as a leader in the tech industry. As the competition continues to play catch-up, Samsung’s Galaxy AI remains the gold standard for practical, user-friendly artificial intelligence in mobile technology.