
Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix | Assassin’s Creed Bullfrog | Official Clip | Netflix

Prepare for a unique twist in the world of assassins! Meet Captain Laserhawk, who might not look the part, but his deadly skills are anything but ordinary. This unusual assassin has a rather unexpected trick up his sleeve: blowing bubbles. But don’t let that fool you, because he also possesses a mysterious gift – the ability to predict who will meet their end first.

Get ready for an extraordinary adventure as “Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix” makes its grand debut on October 19th, and it’s exclusively available on Netflix. This thrilling series is a result of a collaboration between Ubisoft and Adi Shankar, promising a fresh and imaginative take on the assassin genre. So mark your calendars for an action-packed journey filled with unexpected surprises!

You can also visit: Surviving Paradise

Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix | Assassin’s Creed Bullfrog | Official Clip | Netflix